STR COVID-19 Visitor Policy

SUBJECT: Guidance for Visitors to STR Facilities During COVID-19 Pandemic

DATE: February 3, 2023

STR is committed to keeping our employees and visitors safe during the COVID-19 pandemic while supporting the critical missions of our customers in the federal government.

  •  Please review this policy prior to your visit. Upon arrival, you will be required to verbally attest that you have read and understood this policy.

All visitors must follow the CDC quarantine guidelines below:

If You Test Positive for COVID-19:

  • Stay home for at least 5 days
  • Isolation can end after day 5 if symptoms are not present or are resolving and you have a negative test result that was taken on day 5 or later
  • If unable to test or choosing not to test, and symptoms are not present or are resolving, isolation can end after day 10
  • If you continue to test positive for COVID-19, after day 10 you may visit an STR office, per CDC data suggesting persons are no longer infectious after this time
  • If symptoms return, you must restart the clock on isolation

If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves.

If You Were Exposed to Someone with COVID-19:

  • You may visit STR but must mask in the office for 10 days after exposure and must test on day 5. If you have a positive test result, then you must follow the guidelines above. If you are unable to get a test, contact the COVID-19 email or hotline for further guidance.​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home.


Arrival at STR

  • All visitors must register at STR reception prior to program area access, no exceptions
  • A visitor’s STR sponsor should submit a visit cert, this is preferred at least 72 hours in advance to confirm the program access.
  • Visitors that have program access do not need to be escorted inside SAPF

When on site, escorts are responsible for visitors electronic equipment in their possession

  • No Cell phones, Fitbits, USB drives, etc. are allowed in secure spaces
  • Visitor must sign into the cleared visitor’s log
  • Cleared visitors can be left inside the room without STR employee present

Emergency Procedures Once in the Building

  • Evacuate the building without delay for the fire alarm or emergency situations
  • If time DOES NOT permit:
    • Classified information DOES NOT have to be secured
    • Alarms DO NOT need to be activated
    • Locks DO NOT need to be spun
  • Facility Security Officers (FSOs) and First Responders SHALL be allowed access to classified areas
  • They DO NOT need to sign the visitor log
  • Security debriefing may be conducted

**The lives of employees or visitors SHALL NOT be placed in jeopardy to safeguard classified material**